Wall of cars

Wall of cars

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We provide a flexible pricing policy, which may vary depending on these factors.

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Book for more days and get a discount on your trip, below you can see the rates and compare the benefits. If the driver does not meet these requirements, the company may offer an increase in the amount of the deposit.

The daily mileage limit is km, it is considered in total for the entire rental period, but not more than km per month. Payment for car rental is due before the start of the trip. The client pre-pays the full rental period. If you want to continue the rental, you must also make an advance payment. If the car is returned a few days before the end of the rental period, the payment is recalculated according to the actual time of using the car.

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In simple terms, it does not matter "you or you", a deposit can be withheld to compensate for damages. In order to limit your liability in the event of an accident to the size of the deposit and not pay for a complete car repair, you must fulfill one simple but important condition — you must record an insured event call the police, rental company, insurance company. If the insured event is not registered, the client bears full financial responsibility for the damaged car.

All costs will be covered by us. If you do not add a protection option to your claim and return the vehicle with damage, the cost of the repair will be deducted from your deposit. Processing your request. Customer Reviews. Брал в аренду на неделю.

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Год выпуска г. Владельцев 1.

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В кредит. Great Wall Hover H3 2. Владельцев 2. Great Wall Hover M4 1. Qashqai, г. Hyundai Tucson. Tucson, г. Mercedes M-Класс.

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M-Класс, г. Mazda CX CX-5, г. BMW X3. X3, г. Infiniti QX QX50, г. Audi Q7. Q7, г.

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